Business Clarity - Moving Through Mental Clutter To Achieve Your Dreams

how to get business clarity

Business Clarity Is Simply Asking Yourself What You Want Your Life To Look Like

I am super excited to talk to you about how to move from clutter to clarity with ease - in your life and in your business. Not only is business clarity what I’m all about, but I’m going to be writing out some simple and doable principles that will really make things happen for you. Before I dive into all the ideas, for those I’ve not yet had the honor to meet, let me tell you a little bit about myself, who I am, my background, and what I do! 

I wanted to leave my job, so I had to get clarity in my plan & what business I wanted to create.

business clarity

I spent about 12 years working for a national nonprofit organization. I was the Associate Director of our Program and Partnership Development team where I was in charge of overseeing grants and contracts - multimillion-dollar projects, many projects all at one time, and overseeing various staff working on these projects. And so, my skills and my sweet spot was really in strategic planning, implementation, facilitation and seeing ideas through to completion.

I loved my job - it was great, it was very stable, I worked with wonderful people but I knew at the end of the day, it’s not what I really wanted to be doing with my life. I knew that ultimately I wanted to be able to work for myself. I have very much an entrepreneurial spirit and I knew eventually - eventually I would have to make a change and leave that job. So over the last few years, I really started to feel that pull that I needed to make a change.

Planning was the key to getting business clarity.

December 2018 I said - “That's it, I'm going to give myself one year, 12 months to make a plan, set my goals, and make it happen” - and that's exactly what I did. I outlined a full plan, I made sure I got crystal clear on what my goals were, got clear on what I really wanted, and worked my ass off to make it happen over those 12 months. And then in December 2019, I was able to exit out of my full-time job and go full-time in my own business.

lack of clarity in business

I'm not saying I had it all figured out. I'm not saying it was easy. But I am saying it was absolutely worth it - and if you put in the foundational work right, that's really what it's about. I didn't just quit my job, as much as I deeply wanted to on many days. But I didn’t. I stuck with my plan and really put in that foundational work. That work was able to set me up to be able to actually leave, exit out and go full-time into my business. 

I also took the time to figure out what I really wanted. What was it like? What were the details? What did I really, really want at the end of everything? Like, let's get super clear on these things first and I took the time to do the things that mattered. Taking that time and being real and clear with myself gave me the confidence to move forward right. 

clarity for my business

Moving from clutter to clarity takes a few simple steps.

So why am I telling you about me? Well, all these details are all really important things - not just to me, but to what I’m going to be sharing about step-by-step in my next blog posts. They absolutely have a lot to do with what we're going to talk about here - all the time but especially over the next few posts. 

I really, really care about people getting shit done and being as clear as possible about what they actually want. And what I really wanted was to be a strategy and action business coach. I work with entrepreneurs and creatives to help sort through all the thoughts and ideas that we have going on in our beautiful, entrepreneurial brains. I help to sort it, get organized and prioritize and we work together to get it out into a written, strategic plan, asking, “So how are you going to make all these things happen?” So that's now what I do, how I work with entrepreneurs and why I do what I do. 

These next few weeks, we’re going to buckle up in and hammer out some core tips to move from mental clutter to massive clarity. This was my story and what moved for me, and if you’re wondering, “But how, Liz? How?” This is going to be the perfect series for you. I hope these tips will resonate with you because I know they certainly do with me and a lot of my clients.

Keep slaying, 

~ Liz 

business clarity coach

P.S. Interested in just jumping in and getting shit done - together?

Check out my signature 1:1 VIP Strategy Slay Accelerator program (click HERE to learn more)!

OR… I’d be happy to hop on a FREE 30-minute Clarity Call with you to learn more about you, your needs and find the best and fullest way I can support you. It’s simple, just shoot me an email at and we’ll get it scheduled.


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