YOU, my beautiful friend, are the bridge back to YOU!

You are Your Own Healer - Your Own Medicine - You Hold The Answers You Seek

This PDF offers you a variety of ways to explore yourSelf, as you remember, re-awaken, and journey within, and back to Self. The You before the world started telling you who to be, what to feel, how to act, where to work, who to love, etc!

You’ll find 20+ ways to get you out of your head, into your heart, and connected to your body & soul, for a more playful and pleasurable way of being. This PDF includes quick tutorials, a playlist, and even my top tools to deeply nourish your soul and create the vibe of pleasure in your life!


The best part is, it’s designed to be super easy to read through and quickly absorb, so it doesn’t overwhelm you with tons of details and info. Just pick and choose the ones that speak to you…and start playing!

And for a limited time, I’m gifting it to anyone who feels called to it, for free.

Let the unfolding, re-programming, and rewilding begin. Get curious about what's hidden within, what makes your heart throb, soul yearn, and your juices flow. Go follow those breadcrumbs, my friend!

Ready to download Your Practical Starter Guide and start exploring the Playground within you?

Enter your email to download the FREE Connecting to Self Starter Guide now.

I hope these practices and tools serve you as much as they serve me each and every day!

~ Liz


About Liz

After years of being all in my head and not listening to my body and what she had to say about things, I started to pay for it physically, mentally, and emotionally. I turned within out of desperation at first…and I quickly realized it’s where all the answers (and more questions) were awaiting me. I spent years playing in all different realms, following my curiosities, and reconnecting to the me I no longer recognized...but I knew she was still there.

Over the years, it’s been a beautiful and sometimes not so pleasant journey back to mySelf. But I’m beyond honored and grateful for letting my curiosities, desires, heart, body, and intuition lead me now (most of the time, lol).

I now know that I’ve been placed on this Earth to energize and uplift, and give freely and selflessly of my inner light. And the best way I know how to do that is to show up everyday as ME. The more I connect to myself, the more I connect to everything and everyone. I am the Vessel of my own truths. This is literally my #1 job and priority. And this is why I was so deeply and truly driven to create this Guide, as well as what is now known as The Playground! It’s for me, and it’s for you.

~ Get curious, follow the breadcrumbs, and welcome yourself back home with an open loving heart!

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  1. Free Connecting to Self Facebook Group

  2. Grab more Free resources here.

  3. Join our Playground Women’s Community!