Calendar Management: Why You Don’t Need Apps To Master Your Schedule

calendar management system

Tapping Into The Power Of Your Calendar - My Low Tech Approach

I get asked all the time, “What’s your favorite calendar management app?

Sorry to disappoint, but my answer is always the same - I don’t use apps for time management. When it comes to time management, I do just about EVERYTHING in my calendar. I have my calendar so freakin’ dialed in, it’s more or less all I need!

I can literally sit in front of my calendar and within no time have my day/week(s) all planned out and organized. (PS. I can show you how also). No crazy software or overly fancy color coding…I keep it SIMPLE and that’s why it’s worked for me for the past 12 years, why it works now, and why it will work FOREVER!

Calendar Management Tips - Keep Things Simple!

If you want to know some of my top tips for using your calendar be sure to read my previous blog, Tapping into the Power of your Calendar.

But, I fully recognize everyone works and processes differently.  What works best for me (and many of my clients) doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a perfect fit for you!  But I also know the main thing I see over and over again with my clients is that they are “over-doing” it on the systems, organization, etc. Trying to use all these fancy things ultimately leaves them feeling the exact opposite of how they want to - as they run scattered and confused between all their colors, planners, and phone apps!  

calendar management course

If you’re looking for the latest and greatest in time management, first take an assessment of how you’re currently working your calendar.

My “From Dreaming to Doing” Program Could Help You With Your Calendar Management

If you’re not sure of how it can be better (or less complicated), you might want to check out the From Dreaming to Doing program. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to get massive clarity and control over their days, weeks, months… all by tapping into the power of your calendar.

The bottom line - if you’re struggling with time management and ALL the things that life and business are throwing at you from day-to-day - you need to fix your foundation!

If your calendar isn’t a solid foundation for your day, then fixing it should be priority #1!

Make it your best damn friend, and you’ll immediately feel better about everything else.

PS. The From Dreaming to Doing program also teaches the super simple but awesomely effective productivity principles from both the “Getting Things Done” method and Essentialism. These are absolute GAME CHANGERS when it comes to time management!!  BUT, that’s for me to share at another time and in another blog post…coming soon!  Keep Slaying,

~ Liz


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