How To Deal With FOMO & Focus On Your Own Business

fomo social media

Overcoming FOMO In Online Business

Learning how to deal with fomo almost seems like a right of passage when it comes to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Not sure if you are experiencing ‘fomo’? Let me ask you this…

⭐️ Do you feel anxious, sad, or frustrated with yourself after scrolling too much on social media,
aka all up in everyone else's business?  

⭐️ Does it make you feel like you aren’t doing enough?
Like you should be doing more, different, better, faster     

⭐️ Does it make you question everything you’re doing?
Like you should try to be more like them?   

You are not alone! (and you likely are dealing with feelings of ‘fomo’).

how to deal with fomo on social media

How To Deal With FOMO - My Own Personal Journey

Fear of missing (aka FOMO) is real! And that’s especially true when we spend too much time on social media - where so much is cherry-picked and perfect-seeming.

A while back, I had such FOMO issues!! 

Shortly after going full-time in my business, I started to beat myself up because of all of those things I listed earlier.  It took a bit of self-reflection - but it slapped me in the face, “Liz…you have a plan, you’re working the plan consistently, you ARE doing the things you need to do!

Stop going down the rabbit hole of negativity, not feeling like I’m enough, and chasing ALL the shiny things. STOP worrying about what everyone else is doing and focus on your damn self.”  I literally said out loud, “Mind your own damn business, lady!”  

As Tony Robbins says - have “laser focus” and that’s exactly what you need as an entrepreneur. Shift from focusing on others - obsessing over what everyone else is doing or what they have that we don’t.

You have to sprint away from all the noise and chatter out there and stop comparing yourself to what we see and hear on social media. If you can get into the mindset of minding your OWN business, you’ll end up feeling an incredible sense of power and peace and so much less anxious and scattered.

Limiting Distractions Was The #1 Way I Learned How To Deal With FOMO

Limiting distractions both physical and emotional/mental is a huge part of winning the entrepreneurial game.

Here’s a few clarifying questions to help get you focused on YOU:

First and foremost - Am I clear on what I want? (aka my goals!)

  • If yes, GREAT! 

  • If no, GET SOME GOALS! This is priority #1. If we aim for nothing, that’s exactly what we’ll get. 

* Download my free goals worksheet

Do I have a written plan of action?  

  • If yes, GREAT!  

  • If no, GET A PLAN asap! A plan shows us how to make it all happen, providing guidance, clarity, and focus when we start to feel scattered.

* Download my “From Dreaming to Doing” program  

How I deal with fomo

Am I doing the things I’ve outlined in my plan?  

  • If yes, GREAT! You’re minding your own damn business. Acknowledge this and give yourself a pat on the back… great job!   

  • If no, reflect on why not. Your plan doesn’t work unless you work. Figure out what’s holding you back or giving you anxiety - and make the necessary tweaks and adjustments. 

Your success is inevitable, if you decide it is.  So, decide it is, and get after it using these powerful questions and tips! 

Keep slaying,

  ~ Liz


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