How To Escape The 9 to 5 Trap!

how to quit your job

Escaping The 9 to 5: How I Did It.

Let me get this off my chest first… if you’re working a full time job where you’re not happy or fulfilled, and you want to learn to escape 9 to 5 within the next 12 months, fight for the damn life you want!

With some planning, organization, and focus, you can absolutely get there-EVEN if you don’t yet believe it or you’re not sure how to make it happen. It’s normal to feel that way, and I’m here to say It’s OK. Do it anyway! The bottom line is you CAN have it. I it’s not always easy but it’s 100% worth it - so let’s get to work making it happen!

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Escape 9 to 5 - Committing To The Life You Dream About

After 12 successful years in the nonprofit world, I felt stable but uninspired. I knew I needed to make a change and I knew that change meant working for myself - where I could create the life I deeply desired.

I also knew I had some pretty awesome strengths and skills that I was passionate about and actually enjoyed doing. I’ve always been about moving ideas forward, making them come to life without all the overwhelm and mind gunk.

I’m able to help people see through all the clutter and shiny things, get crystal clear on what’s important to focus on (and what to say NO to), and map out exactly how to get there… it’s my freakin superpower!

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Choosing The Path To Build Your Escape Upon

I know a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with this and find themselves utterly overwhelmed by ALL the things, and I knew I could help them! I knew I had systems and tools I’d been using, refining, and perfecting for the past 12 years that were simple and massively effective.

BOOM, my business was born!

So what did I do that allowed me to make a decision in December 2018 to leave my job and, exactly 12 months later, officially exit out?? I’ll tell you - and the best part is it’s not rocket science. It’s actually fairly simple. I’m not saying it’s easy. At the end of the day, you’re the one that has decide and take action to make your dreams a reality. That’s on you. And most of time, that’s the hardest part - but it doesn’t have to be rocket science.

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Leaving your 9 to 5 comes down to 5 simple steps!

Step 1 Ask yourself: Is this what you want?

  • If so, then commit to making it happen and prepare for the long haul

  • Commit to your dreams

Step 2 If you don’t have to, don’t jump

  • Take time to do research

  • Reframe your 9-5 to set yourself up for when you leave

Step 3 Identity a few goals

  • Get clear on WHAT you want

  • Set goals that allow for your exit to happen

Step 4 Make a damn plan! (Check out my Bulletproof Blueprint Worksheet)

  • Don’t just wing it, outline the HOW

  • Your plan is priceless. It will give you guidance, focus and confidence as you step outside your
    comfort zone!

Step 5 Work the plan

  • ACTION is clarity, life, everything!

  • Put it in your calendar and work it

  • Assess and adjust as needed

Want to set your escape plan in motion?

Explore my Bulletproof Blueprint now and start organizing your goals and make things happen! 

Want more details? I created this special podcast episode JUST for you to really learn this 5-step process on how I (and many others) have been able to leave their 9-5’s.  Check it out as I cover each step-in detail on the podcast.  

Without teaching you my full Strategy Slay System, this pretty much sums up the exact process that allowed me to exit with ease, flow, and alignment.  It doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming!  Yes, it’s simple, but these core principles inspire my teaching  everyday. They’re the ideas that power the great results my clients get in my one-on-one VIP Coaching program.

AND, after you’ve made your decision (i.e. HELL YES, I want to be my own boss!), download the Mastermind Mindsweep worksheet as part of my “From Dreaming to Doing” program ! It’s a great place to start if your mind is overflowing and scattered with tons of ideas, thoughts, things to do, and general mental clutter about your new life and business. This program will quickly help you to get all those ideas under control, sorted, and organized, so you can better see what’s important and what’s not!  

My wish for you-  get clear, committed, focused so you can get to work you want to do– I promise it will be worth it!

Keep slaying and appreciate the beautiful roller coaster that is life!  

 ~ Liz


Strategic Business Plan - Why You Need One For Your Business


Mind Sweep | Free your mind from ALL the thoughts and ideas.