Strategic Business Plan - Why You Need One For Your Business

strategic business planning process

Strategic Business Planning Process - Defining Your Success Through Planning

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail and although that may seem harsh. There is no statement more true when it comes to online business. The simple fact is that while most of us have dreams and aspirations, very few take the time to plan out a strategic business plan & HOW they are going to make those goals happen.  

 And while sometimes the “no plan-plan” works out - most of the time it doesn’t. 

When we fail to plan, we plan to fail.  When we don’t have a road map, we can feel like we’re chasing everything- scattered and stressed. Just “winging it” will absolutely leave you feeling overwhelmed and anxious! 

It also leads to either Analysis Paralysis (aka. doing nothing) or Shiny Things Syndrome (aka. doing everything and utterly chaotic).  

strategic business plan template

Feeling Overwhelmed? Don’t Give Up! Instead Take The Time To Create A Strategic Business Plan

 If you’re done feeling lost and ready to move from mental clutter to massive clarity, congratulations!  It’s so much easier than you might think to fix, only taking some focused time and attention.

In case you don’t know my story, I’m living proof of the power of a plan!  I took the time to think and reflect on what I wanted, I identified what I needed to achieve it, and then, most important part, I acted on it and I DID the things I outlined in my action plan.  

Why was this so powerful? Because it is THE main way I was able to exit out of my 9-5 job with EASE and go full time in my side business. It’s what allowed me to move my dreams into reality!  I had a road map and it was priceless.  So YES, I’m super passionate and adamant about planning because not only does it work - it changed my life!  

strategic business plan

Getting Strategic About What You Want Your Life To Look Like Is How You Start!

Planning is one of the most powerful and effective ways to move you closer to making shit happen. As they say, a dream without a plan is just a wish and I’m not interested in wishing. I’m all about DOING!  The plan provides direction, clarity, focus, and accountability.  It also helps improve our time management, organization, productivity, and stress levels! 

Implementing my system is what enabled me to create a life I wake up excited to live and that is showing others the power of planning as it relates to creating their goals.

strategic business planning process

Create Your Business Plan Using My Bulletproof Blueprint Template!

If you’re looking for a killer planning template, explore my Bulletproof Blueprint worksheet in my “From Dreaming to Doing” program!

This is the same worksheet I personally use to outline my goals and I use it with my clients everyday – it’s simple and it works. I promise, you’ll feel pretty damn good afterward!

Keep slaying!


Schedule Your Time - How I Tap Into The Power of My Calendar


How To Escape The 9 to 5 Trap!